
Shortcut Key To Generate Getters And Setters In Eclipse

Shortcut Key To Generate Getters And Setters In Eclipse 4,0/5 844 reviews

I am working on a Android application and created a model with a large number of variables. Since I am planning to add getters and setters for all of them.

Is there a shortcut in Android Studio for automatically generating the getters and setters in a given class?


Using Alt+ Insert in the editor, you may easily generate getter and setter methods for any fields of your class. This has the same effect as using the Menu Bar -> Code -> Generate..

Keyboard Shortcut For Generating Getters And Setters In Eclipse

and then using shift or control button, select all the variables you need to add getters and setters


Android Studio includes keyboard shortcuts for many common actions. Table 1 shows the default keyboard shortcuts by operating system. Keep in mind, because Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA, you can find additional shortcuts in the IntelliJ IDEA keymap reference documentation. Note: In addition to the default keymaps in table 1 below, you can select from a number of preset keymaps. In the main menu of Eclipse or the context menu of the editor, and a dialog opens. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+D. In the dialog select getters and setters for which you want to generate Javadocs and click 'OK' button. Javadocs are generated for the selected getters and setters. If Javadocs already exist, they are replaced by new ones. Or I type set followed by CONTROL + Space and Eclipse will offer me to generate setters. This is fine for adhoc generation of few getters and setters, but if your class has many attributes,this approach would be inefficient. You can generate all getters and setters in one place. Feb 05, 2018  Auto Generate Constructor + Getter/Setter (With Custom Variable Naming) - Android Studio Tutorial. Android Studio/IntelliJ has a handy shortcut to automatically generate this code for.

In OSX, ⌘+N by default.

Right-click and choose “Generate…” to see current mapping. You can select multiple fields for which to generate getters/setters with one step.

See http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/webhelp/generating-getters-and-setters.html


Android Studio & OSx :

Press cmd+n > Generate > Getter and Setter

Android Studio & Windows :

Press Alt + Insert > Generate > Getter and Setter


You can generate getter and setter by following steps:

  • Declare variables first.
  • click on ALT+Insert on keyboard placing cursor down to variable declaration part
  • now select constructor and press Ctrl+A on keyboard and click on Enter to create constructor.
  • Now again placing cursor at next line of constructor closing brace , click ALT+INSERT and select getter and setter and again press CTRL+A to select all variables and hit Enter.

That’s it. Happy coding!!

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You can use AndroidAccessors Plugin of Android Studio to generate getter and setter without m as prefix to methods

Ex: mId;
Will generate getId() and setId() instead of getmId() and setmId()


As noted here, you can also customise the getter/setter generation to take prefixes and suffixes (e.g. m for instance variables) into account. Go to File->Settings and expand Code Style, select Java, and add your prefixes/suffixes under the Code Generation tab.


use code=>generate=>getter() and setter() dialog ,select all the variables ,generate all the getter(),setter() methods at one time.


Use Ctrl+Enter on Mac to get list of options to generate setter, getter, constructor etc


This answer deals with your question but is not exactly an answer to it. =) It’s an interesting library I found out recently and I want to share with you.

Project Lombok can generate common methods, such as getters, setters, equals() and hashCode(), toString(), for your classes automatically. It replaces them with annotations reducing boilerplate code. To see a good example of code written using Lombok watch a video on the main page or read this article.

Android development with Lombok is easy and won’t make your android application any ‘heavier’ because Lombok is a compile-time only library. It is important to configure your Android project properly.

Another example:

Shortcut Key To Generate Getters And Setters In Eclipse 2018

Android development with Lombok is possible. Lombok should be a compile-time only dependency, as otherwise the entirety of Lombok will end up in your DEX files, wasting precious space. Gradle snippet:

In addition you may want to add the Lombok IntelliJ plugin to support Lombok features in your IDE at development time. Also there is Hrisey library which is based on Lombok. Simply put, it’s Lombok + Parcellable support.


Another funny way

Type the parameter name anywhere in the object after definition, you will see setter and getter, Just select and click enter 🙂

I tried with Android Studio 2.3


Right click on Editor then Select Source -> Generate Getters and Setters or press Alt + Shift + S


Just in case someone is working with Eclipse

Windows 8.1 OS Eclipse Idle Luna

Shortcut Key To Generate Getters And Setters In Eclipse 2016


Declare top level variable private String username Eclipse kindly generate a warning on the left of your screen click that warning and couple of suggestions show up, then select generate.

Shortcut Key To Generate Getters And Setters In Eclipse Video

Tags: android